Are educational assistance & long life skills programs.
Targeted beneficiaries:
Children and youth aged 6-18, at risk of illiteracy, low school achieving, school failure or drop-out.
In order to improve children education progress & regularity the program activities consist of:
- Remedial classes focused on languages, science & mathematics.
- Literacy classes focused on Arabic, Mathematics & social topics related to child’s rights, protection & prevention.
- Follow up children, within the families & schools for facilitating school integration.
- Psycho-social follow up to resolve the obstacles impede children school regularity & achievement.
- Develop long-life skills among children and their parents.
- Grants for friendly vocational training (VTC) provided to those ages are not compatible with the school integration standards.
- Provide in kind incentives for those displaced such as school bags, hygiene kits or dress.
Subjects for long life skills:
Communication, dialogue, self-expression, leadership, good governance participation, advocacy, collaboration, team work building, discover IDS, anger, time & emotions management, future planning, negotiation, critical thinking, conflict solving and peace building.